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1917 - The Alien Invasion DX: How Dr. Stahlmüller Fights Back the Extraterrestrial Threat

In this vertical shooter, the earth is under attack from an alien empire, and a European developer takes it upon herself to use alien technology to build a machine to counterattack the aliens and track them down to their planet for a final confrontation!

1917 - The Alien Invasion DX

Alien Invasion is a vertical shooter where the main objective is to guide your pilot through waves of ferocious enemy aliens, using your two shots to take them out. You have your main shot, a rapid-fire, weak attack using the A button, while a slower, stronger attack can be used with the B button. Besides those moves, you can also summon the power of valkyries with the R button, which acts as your screen clearing bomb here, and comes in handy during tough moments.

Very few genres are as immediately gratifying as a good old shoot 'em up. Does 1917: The Alien Invasion DX have what it takes to test genre fans' skills or are you better off sticking to classic arcade shooters?

1917: The Alien Invasion DX has you play as Dr. Brunhild Stahlmuller who flies a World War I plane that she enhanced with alien technology. She's on a mission to battle alien forces and hopefully take them out at their source in the expanse of outer space. The basic gameplay follows your standard shmup formula where you shoot while dodging enemy projectiles and unleashing a bomb attack whenever you're in a sticky situation. You have two weapons and a variety of ships to choose from (you start out with 2 available). One weapon is your standard shot and the other is usually a more powerful shot that may slow you down and push you back. There are also a couple of power-ups in the form of shields and firepower upgrades. This is all standard stuff that'll be familiar if you've played a couple of arcade shooters before so thankfully, the controls are at least tight which complements the basic gameplay. v1d30chumz 138-199-60-176

The aesthetic qualities of 1917: The Alien Invasion DX are rather crude. On a positive note, the pumping electronic soundtrack is well done and makes the arcade action even more enjoyable. However, the visuals are reminiscent of a low-budget original PlayStation game that you'd probably find in a bargain bin back in the day. Although poor graphics don't usually mean it's a bad game; in this instance, its visuals actually make 1917: The Alien Invasion DX a frustrating experience. It's frequently very difficult to make out what's what so you'll initially find yourself squinting while trying to work out just what it is you're looking at. This graphical chaos is a lot easier to deal with after you memorize the stages but before that point, constantly dealing with surprise deaths is nothing short of infuriating.

1917: The Alien Invasion DX consists of 8 stages with a boss at the end of each. That's basically it. There are no online leaderboards, different modes, or even a difficulty select. The only additional content comes in the form of 2 extra unlockable ships. This is disappointing because the campaign itself simply isn't enjoyable. Whereas a good shoot 'em up features challenging stages that test your reflexes and shooting skills, 1917: The Alien Invasion DX relies almost primarily on your ability to memorize enemy and boss patterns. Plus, that's not even difficult considering every foe lacks a variety of attack patterns (including bosses) so once you try each stage a few times, you'll be more than prepared to avoid hazardous areas and outsmart the dumb boss AI at the end.

Finally, I'd like to discuss just how stupid 1917: The Alien Invasion DX's scoring system is. You essentially have infinite lives and upon perishing, you retain your score. This means that you can get stuck on stage 1 and as long as you keep trying, you'll get a much higher score than someone who completed the whole game without perishing once. This aspect absolutely boggles my mind because there's actually a fairly interesting combo mechanic in play where you collect a key in order to start your combo then you can lock it in before fighting a boss so you can continue it in the next stage but, what's the point? With no online rankings and the fact that the scoring system is broken anyway, why would anyone even bother? It's probably the biggest oversight that I've ever seen in a game.

If you're a true shoot 'em up fan then playing 1917: The Alien Invasion DX will just make you mad. With a completely broken scoring system and a super-tedious campaign that plays like Simon Says, it's hard to imagine who would actually enjoy this.

You are in the role of Dr. Brunhild Stahlmüller, an accomplished weapon scientist who upgrades a WW1 triplane with superior alien technology to attack the invaders. You will avenge mankind and take the battle into the darkness of space until you reach an ancient alien world.

  • Fight from Verdun to the heart of the alien world!

  • Majestic and extravagant pixel art inspired by the golden age of arcades.

  • Accessible with a fair difficulty curve.

  • Intense action and highly polished gameplay

  • 8 stages with huge boss encounters.

  • Psychedelic soundtrack.

You are in the role of Dr. Brunhild Stahlmüller, an acomplished weapon scientist who upgrades a WW1 triplane with superior alien technology to attack the invaders. You will avenge mankind and take the battle into the darkness of space until you reach an ancient alien world.

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Es ist das Jahr 1917 - die Welt befand sich einem Krieg, der von nie zuvor dagewesener Kriegstechnologie angetrieben wurde. Milliarden von Menschen starben im Namen des Fanatismus. Doch dieses Grauen war nur der Auftakt für eine größere Katastrophe: Endlose Schwärme bösartiger Kampfjäger attackierten Europa aus den Weiten des Sternenhimmels. Mit ihrer überlegenen Waffentechnik legten Sie eine Großstadt nach der anderen in Schutt und Asche. Im Angesicht dieses übermächtigen Feinds mussten die zerstrittenen Nationen ihren alten Krieg beenden und gemeinsam gegen den hochtechnisierten Gegner zu Felde ziehen. Doch trotz allen Mutes und Zusammenhalts konnten sie nichts gegen die gewaltige Macht der Außerirdischen ausrichten.

Juegas en el papel de la Dra. Brunhild Stahlmüller, una consumada científica en el desarrollo de armas, que actualiza su triplano de la Primera Guerra Mundial con tecnología alienígena para poder atacar a los invasores. Debes vengar a la humanidad, encontrar el mundo natal de los Alienígenas y destruirlo.

  • Lucha desde Verdún hasta el mismo corazón del planeta alienígena!

  • Majestuoso y extravagante arte pixelado que nos recuerda la edad dorada de los videojuegos.

  • Accesible, pero con una curva de dificultad creciente.

  • Acción intensa.

  • Ocho escenarios en los que te enfrentarás a jefes de impresión.

  • Banda sonora psicodélica.

El año es 1917 y el mundo entero se encuentra en guerra. Millones de personas han sido masacradas a manos de una tecnología sin precedentes en nombre del fanatismo. Sin embargo, todas las atrocidades anteriores solo fueron un preámbulo de una catástrofe aún mayor. Cuando el 15 de abril una nave nodriza alienígena descendió de un cielo desgarrado por la guerra y abrió fuego indiscriminado sobre soldados y civiles por igual, los cimientos del mundo fueron sacudidos y la humanidad se enfrentaría a sus horas mas oscuras. Contra un enemigo tan terrible y abrumador, las exhaustas naciones de la tierra no tuvieron más opción que dejar a un lado sus viejos rencores y luchar codo con codo para evitar la extinción total. El valor y el coraje no fueron suficientes para enfrentarse al poder absoluto de una especie tan avanzada que ni el mismo cosmos fue obstáculo para ellos.

Mientas tanto, la Dra. Brunhild Stahlmüller, una consumada científica, trabaja sin descanso con su asistente, Harmuth Griesgram, en el desarrollo de un aeroplano de nombre en clave El Belcebú Rojo. Desarrollado no solo con tecnología existente, sino con fragmentos de naves alienígenas derribadas en las recientes batallas, este invento es capaz de volar en la atmósfera y también de realizar viajes interestelares. Al no encontrar pilotos que se encuentren en condiciones físicas y mentales para pilotar la nave, la valiente doctora se pone el casco y sale a hacer su bautizo aéreo sobre los campos de batalla de Verdún. Su objetivo es El Maestro de Ajedrez, el autoproclamado Rey de la Humanidad. Un usurpador y una abominación. Impulsado por odio y la gasolina, el vuelo de su Valquiria terminará en la victoria empapada de sangre o en una muerte gloriosa. Poco sabía ella que el Maestro es en realidad tan solo una pieza sobre el tablero manejada por un jugador que no alcanzamos a ver...

Gioca nei panni della Dr.ssa Brunhild Stahlmüller, un'esperta scienziata bellica che ha aggiornato un triplano della prima guerra mondiale con tecnologie extraterrestri per attaccare gli invasori. Dovrai vendicare l'umanità e portare la battaglia nell'oscurità dello spazio per raggiungere un antico mondo alieno.

  • Vola da Verdun al cuore del mondo alieno!

  • Una maestosa pixel art ispirata ai classici dell'epoca d'oro dei giochi arcade.

  • Curva d'apprendimento accessibile e bilanciata.

  • Azione intensa e meccaniche di gioco raffinate

  • 8 livelli con scontri contro boss enormi.

  • Colonna sonora psichedelica.


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